Survey: AI and job security

We’d love to know your opinion on issues surrounding AI.

Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

Which age bracket do you fall in?*

Which age bracket do you fall in?*

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Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

How would you describe your gender?*

How would you describe your gender?*

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Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

What industry is your current occupation?*

What industry is your current occupation?*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

How aware are you of AI technologies in your industry?*

How aware are you of AI technologies in your industry?*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

I think jobs will be affected by AI…*

I think jobs will be affected by AI…*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.

Do you believe your job will be affected by AI?*

Do you believe your job will be affected by AI?*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.I’m

If yes, how do you think your job will be affected*

If yes, how do you think your job will be affected*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.I’m

Are you aware of regulations being brought in to protect jobs from AI?*

Are you aware of regulations being brought in to protect jobs from AI?*

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Job security
Please help us understand the current mood surrounding AI by completing this questionnaire.I’m

If yes, do you have faith that regulations being brought in to protect jobs from AI will work?*

If yes, do you have faith that regulations being brought in to protect jobs from AI will work?*

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Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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